TSA has created a series of TEC Explainer films to show how technology enabled care (TEC) can support people with certain conditions and vulnerabilities to live their lives with confidence, dignity and independence. The films are aimed at people working in social care, housing and health.
We want to show front line staff that when resources are scarce, TEC offers cost effective ways to support people to live safely and independently for longer.
We hope the films will be used as training tools, at events and meetings and as helpful aide memoirs in front line practice.
These films are for you if you are a social worker and social care assessor, care agency, care workers in the community and care homes, occupational therapist, home improvement agency officer, social worker, housing officer, residential care worker, home carer or personal assistant, monitoring centre adviser, community outreach worker, activities co-ordinator, community nurse, GP or a next of kin of a family member.
You can find local technology enabled care services here - https://www.tsa-voice.org.uk/support-at-home/
‘We know that digital technology can help people stay connected, independent and informed. These short films illustrate these messages and will help practitioners in social care to see the possibilities that exist. They reflect a need in social care to explore such innovations with greater ambition.’
Glen Garrod, Executive Director of Adult Care and Community Wellbeing, Lincolnshire Council and former President, ADASS
'In their increasingly diverse and complex roles, social care practitioners will need to be confident and competent in using technology themselves but also in supporting the people that they work with. It has been really beneficial to have our frontline practitioners involved in developing the videos, it has really helped our thinking about how we continue to support our workforce to be both TEC and digitally-literate and actively engaged with developments locally and nationally. We will be using the videos to get people thinking, address training needs and to reflect on both the benefits and ethical considerations of using TEC.'
Chris Erskine, Lead Professional – Principal Social Worker, Adult Care and Community Wellbeing, Lincolnshire Council
‘In changing times, the experience of Technology Enabled Care (TEC) has never been so apparent. It seems that meetings, learning events and team interactions are now common place across health, social care and public sector platforms. As we see demand on public service grow, a modern and resourceful approach is required, thus the impact of TEC has never felt greater. In terms of benefit, we see TEC enabling peer support, the management of risks and closer participation between our patients, service users and professionals involved.
Demonstrated within each short video, TEC provides a cost effective, personalised and empowering mechanism in which to increase the management of risk, health, and independence and perhaps more importantly, promoting a positive approach to person centred care’.
Karen Nixon, Principal Social Worker, The Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
For those providing telecare services (Housing, Care, Telemonitoring), find out how the Digital Switchover will affect your services for the end user:
For TEC Training of your workforce check out our CACHE Level 2 qualification -
Further Useful Links: