This guidance document produced by the TEC Services Association (TSA), with contributions from special interest group members, has been produced to support services and commissioners to offer proactive and preventative services using a variety of Technology Enabled Care (TEC) and associated wrap-around services.
The guidance sets out the why we should be changing to this model of delivery and the how to commission these types of service. It also provides guidance on how the performance of these services can be measured and evaluated, and the journey that services need to go on to be proactive and preventative, and where health, care and housing services can begin to utilise proactive, preventative and predictive insights to make a real difference to delivering personalised outcomes.
COVID-19 increased pressures across Health and Social Care systems. However, this brought with it significant opportunities for proactive and preventative TEC to be deployed as part of a Personalised Care Model. It accelerated the use of TEC and allowed increased outcomes for service users, commissioners, workforces, and communities.
This information and guidance document is intended to start the conversation and to assist services and commissioners across health, care and housing as they pose the following questions:
• How do you know a proactive and preventative service is for you?
• Are you looking for a better care experience for your service users?
• Would you like to see more personalised care outcomes being achieved?
• Are you looking for a care model that supports effective capacity management and realises cost avoidance? Taking a more proactive and preventative approach, supported by data and insights, and targeting interventions to meet individual needs, can enable people to live more independently in their own homes and communities for longer and position TEC services at the heart of the community-based health and care system.
The next steps will be to build on the points in this document with evidence from practical application, lessons learnt from services and commissioners and to provide further advice and guidance through the creation of a suggested specification for the procuring of proactive and preventative services.
Download the guidance by clicking on the image below: