Our Work
Campaigns to support and lead the sector and raise awareness of TEC in wider healthcare provision
Campaigns to support and lead the sector and raise awareness of TEC in wider healthcare provision
Analogue to Digital: Our campaign to raise awareness of the IP switch to digital phone networks by January 2027.
TSA runs a series of events and webinars to the wider TEC community (members & non-members)
We help organisations that commission and supply technologies such as telehealth, telecare, and telemedicine as well as digital health services including self-care apps, health IT, mHealth, eHealth, smart home technologies, artificial intelligence, connectivity
and Internet of Things solutions.
We drive up standards, influence national policy, provide access to the commissioning landscape, offer advice around TEC procurement, share good practice and provide workforce development services. We run many events across the UK every year, including regional showcases, surgeries and our flagship ITEC Conference and awards.