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Proactive and Preventative Care Model in Practice




2​1 July 2023

Will Jones, Chief Customer Officer, Cascade3d


The TSA’s guide on Proactive and Preventative Services is a great document bringing together the best practice on how this model should be implemented.

The benefits of using proactive Connected Care to keep an individual safe in their choice of home, for as long as possible are obvious. Not to mention the emotional and physical savings when preventative action avoids a medical emergency.

It’s great to be involved in the deployment of Connected Care across the country and see this solution in action. There seems to be an awakening of interest across the UK in 2023 in social and health care as more and more proactive and preventative services are established.

But in practice what does this new service do, what are the quick wins and how can we get the message out to more decision makers, so they decide that a proactive and preventative service is an essential part of their care planning. In my mind here are some of the main benefits that we need to be highlighting with commissioners when it comes to this essential service:

Better assessments lead to better decisions

A good, connected care system will quickly and easily show practitioners what an individual is doing or not doing in their home. This information when viewed over the correct period of time will help inform assessments and case reviews, filling in the important gaps when the resident is on their own.

Proactive alerts will avoid costs further down the line

Think of the value of a connected care alert received by an ARC showing a resident still in bed an hour past their normal wake up time. One call later and it's discovered the resident is feeling unwell, emergency contact called and at home prescription administered. Compare this to the slight illness being unnoticed for a week leading to a more serious illness, ambulance call out and hospitalisation.

Earlier detection of complicated conditions

Connected Care systems can highlight how well a resident is coping at home on their own or as part of an elderly couple. A vulnerable resident telling carers and family that they feel fine may be unaware or unwilling to mention that things are getting confusing or difficult. When changes are spotted early the best care decisions can be made to keep the resident independent at home for as long as possible.

Connected Care kits are re-usable

Proactive and preventative services can be established quicker than you think and scaled while learning and doing. The total number of sensor kits required may also be a smaller than expected as each kit can be installed, used to assess, removed when complete and recycled ready for the next install. Each district or area will require a certain number of kits but the constant movement and recycling will allow greater coverage for less overall cost.

Family stress reduction

Lastly my favourite benefit of a Proactive and Preventative care system is viewing the data collected to the wider care network, especially with the family as they can view the movement and behavioural data. To be re-assured their loved one is safe and moving around is an amazing benefit and empowers the family to deliver their own informal proactive and preventative care by seeing where they can help and when they can get on with their own busy lives.

At Cascade3d we love taking about proactive and preventative care and how we can help support this model with our Connected Care system. For more information please get in touch.

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