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Funding opportunity: Accelerating Reform Fund (ARF)




0​6 November 2023

What is it?

The Government has launched a £42.6 million Accelerating Reform Fund (ARF) to boost the innovation, quality and accessibility of adult social care in England. ARF aims to address barriers around the adoption of innovative practices and build capacity and capability in adult social care. The funding will allow local areas to test out innovative solutions and approaches to deliver better outcomes for people, carers and the wider informal care network.


Why have they set it up?

While the care sector has been innovating for decades, sometimes impactful innovations can remain on the margins, rather than becoming the mainstream way of delivering care and support. Through the ARF, the Department of Health and Social Care wants to support the growth of services that make person-centred care a reality for those who draw on it, support unpaid carers to live healthy and fulfilling lives alongside their caring role and respond to rising demand and the changing needs of local populations. Because collaboration and communication are vital to embedding and sustaining innovations, the ARF has been designed to promote partnership working across local areas, as well as the sharing of learning and best practice nationally.


Who can apply?

Local authorities have been invited to apply for a share of the fund. To do this, they must form consortia with other local authorities in their integrated care system (ICS) geography. Then, working together with the NHS and other partners, consortia should select two or more projects to take forward, with one project focused on unpaid carers.


What does this mean for the TEC sector?

Technology enabled care has an important and varied part to play in supporting innovation within adult social care services. Council run TEC services (and external providers working with local authorities) should think about the projects they are currently involved with (or planning to develop) and look into whether they would be suitable to take forward under this ARF. More info on the fund is here:

Our message to TEC services is identify how you can contribute, the partners you can work with and apply!

The Accelerating Reform Fund has been developed to support the government’s 10-year vision for adult social care, which centres on three key goals: that people have choice, control and support to live independent lives, people can receive outstanding quality and tailored care and support, and that people find adult social care fair and accessible.

F​or more help on this or if you have any queries, please email and we will do our best to help.

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