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TSA Launches New Strategic Engagement & Communications Function

Alan Williamson, formerly head of engagement and events at TSA has been appointed to lead the organisation’s newly formed Strategic Engagement and Communications Function.

In his new role, Alan will bring together two core work streams for TSA: events and marketing, ensuring that member needs and wider engagement with system leaders and policy makers in care, housing and health connects all activity.

Reporting directly to CEO, Alyson Scurfield, and working as a key member of TSA’s senior leadership team, Alan Williamson will recruit a small team of marketing, events and policy research staff.

This function will deliver TSA’s busy schedule of conferences, webinars and regional events as well as creating regular reports, case studies, thought leadership articles and newsletters - offering members the latest intelligence on TEC in housing, care and health.

Alan Williamson, TSA’s head of strategic engagement and communications said:

“Joining up the events and marketing functions at TSA makes a lot of sense. We gather a lot of insights from the webinars, surgeries and conferences we hold, as well as the comms campaigns we run. By aligning this all more closely we can analyse exactly what guidance, support and inspiration our members want and how they want it delivered.”

Alyson Scurfield, TSA’s CEO said:

“This is a pivotal time for TSA. We’re developing our new business plan and that’s about identifying how we can add value to our members. Alan has been doing an amazing job overseeing events and engagement - including our ITEC Conference - for the past ten years. The time is right for him to now oversee both our marketing and events functions, so they are more closely aligned.”


Find out more about TSA’s team here: TSA Team

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