TSA and ADASS launch Commission recommendations to government on the role of technology in a reformed social care system
The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) and the TEC Services Association (TSA) recently launched at TSA's International Technology Enabled Care conference a Commission Report to explore how better access to technology could improve joint working between health, social care and housing and offer more preventative, responsive support, shaped around the individual.
The Commission brought together influential figures from adult social care, health and housing, including local authority Directors of Adult Social Services, Chief Executives from councils, care and housing bodies and leaders from NHSX, Department of Health and Social Care and the Local Government Association. The voice of service users were represented by Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) and a number of leading technology suppliers will also join the Commission.
Chaired by internationally renowned Spanish health care leader, Rafael Bengoa who is Co-Director of The Institute for Health & Strategy in Bilbao, Spain, the Commission heard evidence on effective models of technology enabled care via UK and international best practice case studies.
The report contains practical recommendations to central and local government on how to scale up and mainstream the use of everyday devices, data insights and specialist technology to extend people’s healthy lifespans and enrich their lives. Our thanks go to our sponsors for their invaluable input and involvement in shaping the Commission – Microsoft, OLM Networks, AXA Taking Care, Tunstall, PA Consulting.