14 March 2024
Currently 1.8 million vulnerable people in the UK use and rely on telecare, and with that number set to rise, at Access Technology Enabled Care (TEC), we are working hard to deliver a new vision that provides better preventative care to turn data into actionable insights so care locations can shift to anywhere at any time.
We want to enable individuals to feel empowered and confident to prolong their independence to allow them to live at home safer for longer without the need for care homes, additional homecare, and hospitals. We know at Access TEC that TEC has a pivotal role to play in changing the way care is planned, managed, sustained, and delivered for the future.
This is why we are thrilled to be in attendance at the ITEC Conference again this year to raise awareness about TEC in general, how it can be implemented, and most importantly the outcomes it provides for everyone within the wider care circle including the individual and their loved ones themselves.
Drivers for change – how is technology enabled care helping to facilitate change?
More and more people are living with one or more long-term conditions increasing pressure on both health and social care professionals as well as creating long waiting lists, discharge delays, and capacity issues within care homes and hospitals.
Technology enabled care offers a sophisticated solution that not only reduces demand but puts an increased focus on the home to begin the recovery journey to deliver better person-centred care.
By utilising TEC, telecare, and telehealth solutions which are both at home and remote, Access TEC provides support for any individual both inside and outside of the home. Here we want to facilitate better preventative care that supports every individual whenever they need it.
We know that to achieve better outcomes, reduce admissions, and prolong independence, it happens through proactive and preventative care to keep people out of care and safe at home. The next generation of telecare and the analogue to digital telecare are key drivers for this change as it will digitally transform how care is delivered for the better.
At Access TEC we think that is crucial all health and social care providers have access to the data and information they need to make better data-led decisions. That’s why with our Home Hub we watch over daily wellbeing patterns and notice the smallest of changes before something more critical takes place. Not only do these changes get notified to care providers and care workers so care plans and support can be changed accordingly, but individuals’ loved ones get notified too so they can be reassured they are getting the care and support they need, even when needs change
Why is technology enabled care fundamentally changing care delivery?
Technology enabled care is ultimately changing care delivery by bridging the gap between health and social care professionals. Here the data that TEC collects helps health and social care professionals work better together to move away from outputs-focused care to outcomes-focused care.
Our latest integration with the market-leading Access Care Planning (ACP) software allows carers to see the relevant insights about their clients on their ACP app to help ensure care services are safe, effective, and high quality. Here we can join up smart homecare and TEC data to enable more data-led decision-making to deliver ‘just right’ preventative care as opposed to ‘just in case’ care.
Technology enabled care therefore offers the opportunity to deliver care that is catered to every individual so they can achieve their independent living goals as well as provide positive reassurance to digitally engage the wider care circle. At Access TEC we do this by offering smart alerts so every care provider and loved one can be notified of specific needs to provide the best continuity of care.
Through joining up data and insight across the care continuum, a better sustainable future can be obtained to always put the individual receiving care first.
What are Access Technology Enabled Care doing to drive change?
To drive change it is important to know and understand why it needs to happen and what the projected results of a change will be. Transforming the delivery of care through TEC is no different. That’s why at Access TEC we aim to raise awareness and educate professionals across the health and social care market on the outcomes that can be achieved through using data and insight.
We know that is it important to have the data you need, but to achieve its full potential, everyone must know how to use the data collected to improve the quality of care. That’s why we work with our customers closely to hear and understand the challenges they are facing with implementing technology enabled care to help remove those barriers to drive the change.
That way more timely decisions can be continuously made to improve service delivery, quality, safety, and efficiency to improve outcomes for every stakeholder involved including family and friends, social care, health care, TEC providers, and the individual themselves.
One of the ways we are driving change is through raising awareness about the potential TEC can have on your care organisation, local authority,providers, and care homes, and the ITEC Conference is no different.
This is why we are so excited to announce more information on our knowledge and networking session On Monday 18th March at 11:45am till 12:30pm where we will be exploring personalised and preventative approaches to care so individuals can live longer, healthier, and more independent lives with TEC.
Through providing not just our knowledge and advice, but some of our customers too, our knowledge and networking session will incorporate different aspects of the industry on improving care outcomes through joining up data to provide proactive care insights and empowering people to care for themselves.
We are also introducing a session on the Innovation Stage on 18th March at 2:20pm which will be opened by our Product Marketing Director, James Maynard, to explore and discuss the new models of community care. In this session, we will focus on how to harness data, delivering actionable insight and the use technology enabled care supports communities by addressing the rising curve of care demands as well as how it enhances early intervention and support. The session will also address the importance of powerful partnerships as well as the Fire Standard Guidance for the technology enabled care sector and what it means for community care.
We cannot wait to see you all there and be involved in so many great discussions all on TEC, its future, and beyond.
But, in the meantime, for more information explore our technology enabled care solutions. We are looking forward to showing you how our solutions work and be ready to answer all your questions.
Contact us today and we can answer any questions you have beforehand, and if not, we look forward to seeing you there on Stand 50.