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Kent Telecare are available to help loved ones or elderly friend or neighbor feel safe at home. If you loved one is worried that is they have a problem at home on their own that they will not be able to call for help why not support them with a lifeline. The lifeline is a small pendant that they wear on the wrist or around the neck that has a small sos button that if they feel unwell or fall at home they press the sos button and we will talk to them via the lifeline within 30 seconds to see what help they require we will call a relative or neighbour to inform them of the alarm activation and to go to the home to comfort them while we arrange an ambulance if needed. They can also use the sos alarm to call our monitoring line if they feel threatened at the front door by someone they do not know and we will call the police and family to stop them being frightened by people trying to take advantage of them