Members marked as QSF Certified carry the TEC Quality UKAS ISO/EIC17065 certification as a badge of quality, safety and innovation. Learn more about TEC Quality
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BDS are a specialist provider of responder services and recruitment to the TEC, housing and local authority sectors. We provide responder and recruitment services (temporary and permanent) nationwide.
Alertacall is an award-winning technology provider, most notably winning the Queens Award for Enterprise 2022. We are trusted by over 50 Social Housing providers across the UK. We strive to help Social Landlords create digitally connected homes in which residents feel safe, connected and informed. We specialise in transitioning landlords from ageing hardwired ‘warden call systems’ to truly modern technology, ready for Digital Switchover and beyond. Our WiFi-based solution delivered through our portable touchscreen and applications, provides increased functionality for residents and Housing Teams to increase two-way engagement, alleviate internet poverty, improve safety standards and enhance repairs reporting.
AIMS OF THE SERVICE The Community Resource Team offers an early health and social care assessment, and where required, will deliver a time limited, short term intervention to people in their own home or in the Reablement Unit with the following aims: To support and complement existing Health and Social Care mainstream services. To prevent or stop a progressive deterioration in a person’s physical condition or level of independence. To maximise or maintain the independence and quality of life of people with long term conditions, their families and carers. To prevent avoidable acute hospital admission. To facilitate earlier discharge from hospital where support is required to optimise independence. To enable people whose skills for living independently have been reduced, to regain or acquire new skills so they can regain confidence and remain living in their own home. To reduce the number of placements in residential and nursing homes and to offer an alternati
Team Bridgit believe that unpaid Carers are the most important people involved in our health. Carers are the glue that hold the health and social care systems together, and the lives of the ones they love. At Team Bridgit we wrap our arms around family carers. We care for you, so you can care for them. By combining our innovative technology and specialist solutions, we can give carers the help they deserve. We help carers to look after and keep their loved ones remotely well in their homes for longer.
Founded in 2011, we started a journey that would transform the way organisations manage assets and data. Today, our Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are deployed in critical situations for, commercial, government, non-profit and military organisations. We are a proven, multi-award winning UK based innovative technologies firm offering scalable, real-time enterprise and research and development solutions for organisations with a requirement to aggregate Big Data across the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities. We believe deeply in the power to embrace and drive change. We pride ourselves on our ability not only to adopt new and innovative technologies but also the desire within our team to push back boundaries and understand how we can continue to develop and pioneer the future, solving real world problems.