Members marked as QSF Certified carry the TEC Quality UKAS ISO/EIC17065 certification as a badge of quality, safety and innovation. Learn more about TEC Quality
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Beep Assist is part of Futures Housing Group, a well-known and respected housing provider in the East Midlands, working mainly in Derbyshire and Northamptonshire. We have over 20 years’ experience in assisted living technology and have helped thousands to live independently in their own home for longer. We’re not one-size fits all, because that’s not what our customers need – so whether their priority is feeling safer after a hospital stay or keeping young adults safe, we can help. We provide a bespoke service, working with a range of TSA accredited suppliers to find the right solution for each customer’s needs. Our pricing is fair and easy to understand, and there are no hidden fees or extra costs for installation.