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Legrand Care is a global brand specialising in the innovative development of connected technology for the health, housing, and social care sectors. Designed with one primary objective: to improve people's lives. With over 40 years of knowledge and experience, we are strong leaders in the international market of connected care, offering comprehensive and fully managed digital solutions that allow customers to efficiently deploy improved care services. To support people to live their healthiest and most fulfilling lives they want in the place of their choice.
Lifeline24 is the UK's leading personal alarm provider. We provide a low-cost pendant alarm service for anyone who needs support at home or may be at risk of falling. The Lifeline alarm is ideal for anyone that is frail, elderly or disabled living in the UK or Ireland. We offer a wide range of alarms to suit every individual circumstance and our highly trained support team will help you to find the right alarm for you or your loved one. An alarm can provide you with the reassurance that help can be called at the push of a button. Our Care Team is based in the UK and are available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. Lifeline24 also offer B2B partnerships in helping their clients receive fast and easy access to a life-saving Lifeline service. Lifeline24 has over 6,000 Excellent rated reviews to give you added reassurance that your loved ones are safe and confident 24/7 with Lifeline24.
Help at the press of a button Lifeline is a personal alarm scheme available to anyone who may: - Have health issues - Have a disability - Be at risk of falling - Be living in a vulnerable situation - Live alone and want to feel more secure Help is available 24 hours a day 365 days a year with Lifeline.
Lincolnshire County Council is a high-performing upper-tier authority with a 4,500-strong workforce, delivering services to around 736,000 residents spread across a large rural area. The Council supports residents to access telecare as part of its wider prevention agenda, reducing and delaying the need for escalation of the local population into costly care and health services. The service incorporates a basic retail model alongside an Adult Care service which provides equipment to meet an assessed need. Currently over 3,500 people sign up for telecare each year with circa 2,000 leaving the service, a net increase of 1,500 per annum.
The Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) provides impartial advice on daily living equipment and assistive technology for older and disabled people. Living made easy lists over 11,000 daily living products from 950 suppliers, along with clear, practical information written by healthcare professionals. Further advice is available on AskSARA, an online self-help guide covering over 90 daily living topics with personalised reports offering tailored advice on ways to help with daily activities. AskSARA can be licenced by local authorities, companies and charities to meet the needs of their residents, customers and members. To find out more about DLF’s services please call 020 7289 6111 or email info@dlf.org.uk
At Livity Life, we’re leading the Technology Enabled Care revolution. Using the most innovative technology and cutting-edge technology and cutting-edge digital tools, we deliver a transformational service that challenges norms and delivers the very best care experience. We’ve combined our wealth of knowledge, expertise and forward-thinking approach to deliver award-winning TEC services across the UK to over 35,000 people. Independent and equipment agnostic, we provide 24/7/365 monitoring via our state-of-the-art Alarm Receiving Centre based in the UK. Dedicated call operators, clinicians and first responders provide immediate support and escalation with comprehensive wraparound care, protecting customer wellbeing when they need us most.